Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Vanguard Trial

About a month ago I picked up the Collectors Edition of Vanguard: Sago of Heroes from for $15.00, and I am hooked. With the most recent Game Update 6 they introduced a new starting area called the Isle of Dawn and a 14 day trial for free to let new people come and experience the mosly bug free experience. I point out the mostly bug free because when it was released a little over a year ago it was in poor shape, having been rushed to market because of various reasons. Now, over a year later it has been nothing less than a stellar experience for me. If you are a person who loved EverQuest, but not EQ2; tired of WoW; or are just looking to feel heroic every minute you are in the the world of Telon, I would encourage you to try it out. What is there to lose?

(Wanna join me?
please send tell and mention 8-bit Heart | Main is Koyan, a 24 Orc Monk on the Xeth server, guild is Fabled)

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